24 October 2007

Another Pub Quiz Night

It was my usual Wednesday night routine, which over the past couple of months has been embodied by the pub quiz at the Old Brown Shoe. It was the core team of Dave Sowden, Keith Prince and myself together for the first time in 2 weeks. The previous week, Keith and myself had managed to scrape a win on our own in spite of some bad guesses (the North Sea was formerly known as the German sea apparently, and Weiner Schnitzel is made from Veal) and the quizmaster being incredibly anal (he insisted that O2 was not the acceptable answer to a question seeking the chemical symbol for Oxygen even though I pointed out that technically a single Oxygen atom cannot exist on its own but is always in binary form).

With the main team back together again, things definitely went swimmingly as we racked up a score of 57 out of a possible 60 points, tying our previous best record. At this rate, it is quite possible that we will achieve that elusive perfect score one of these days. Also, it was great to see Justin (whom I had met at the Shoe previously) taking part in the quiz with his friend Pam. They were sporting participants despite coming in dead last!

It was also wonderful that Zea decided to come down to the Shoe, in part because she was intrigued by the notion of a pub quiz and my seeming fascination with the concept. Unfortunately, by the time she arrived, we were running through the last few questions of the quiz. That was no matter though, as there are many other ways to be entertained in the pub - namely alcohol and excellent company. These two are always in abundant supply at the Old Brown Shoe.

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