7 September 2008

Mom's 50th Birthday Party

It is a truism of course that you only turn fifty once (in fact that can be said for any particular age in your life), but celebrating a half century on earth is certainly a special occasion that calls for a huge celebration. Given my parents, and their ability to have fun, it was bound to be a memorable evening, as indeed it turned out to be.

The party was held at a small pub - Utopia 17 - near Chinatown which had been booked out specifically for the occasion. My dad had planned quite a few fun activities in advance, and among the festivities was a wonderfully creative lady that made balloon sculptures, a task where my mom had to find three people that matched her height, weight and waist size exactly, one where my dad has stuck five one thousand dollar bills in a glass bottle and my mom had to take them out, and finally a special salsa dance with a (supposedly) sexy dancer hired for the evening by Cat, a family friend.

The guests represented the diverse range of friends and acquaintances that my mom had accumulated over the years, including their current salsa group, a large group of clubbing buddies (both current and past), former students of my father's from way back (Jude, one of my dad's very first students), to the present (Grace and Luke), and indeed a former student that has since gone on to become a business professor as well (Brian). Some of my friends who have become well known to the family also came, notably Fergus, as well as Jasmine.

It turned out to be a very long evening indeed. After the club shut at 3am, the whole group ended up heading over to Dragonfly to continue in the revelry. We all ended up heading home at around 6am or so. The following afternoon was spent sorting through the gifts. Notable among them was the huge amount of alcohol - two bottles of whisky, one of martell, three bottles of champagne, and around eight bottles of wine. If we aren't already closet alcoholics we are well on are way to getting there given this haul! Grace and Luke were creative in giving my mom bird's nest (to be taken presumably the morning after big clubbing nights). So it was definitely a birthday to remember, even as 50th birthdays go.

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