8 February 2008

Chinese New Year

So it is the year of the Rat, marking the start of a new 12 year chinese zodiac cycle. If one believes the myth surrounding the origins of the animal zodiac, the Rat won the race between the animals and is thus the head of the zodiac cycle. What is more interesting is how it won. Knowing it was slow and a poor swimmer, it clung on to the Ox until the finish line was approaching. Then, it leapt off and ran ahead to win the race.

Anyhow, it has been a rather quiet Chinese New Year for me mainly on account of my parents being on holiday in New Zealand. Given that my house is currently in a rather disorganised state it is perhaps just as well that we are not having any visitors this year. Things started off naturally enough with the usual Tuan Nian Fan which was held at my Uncle Roger's place this time around. The family tradition (and indeed a common Singaporean one) is to have a steamboat dinner. I brought alcohol over as per my grandpa's instructions but limited it to Tiger beer so as not to raise my uncle's ire.

Thursday was lunch over at my grandfather's house where we all got to make our own popiah (according to my grandpa's special recipe and mix of ingredients). My uncle Albert then kindly agreed to give me a lift over to M's place on Duchess avenue. She had invited me to visit after hearing of my parent's decision to abscond to New Zealand and thus the likelihood that I would be left to my own devices this Chinese New Year. It was good to have the opportunity to see her in person (after corresponding mainly through email) though I ended up talking to a varied assortment of relatives (and meeting her wonderfully adorable for now niece and nephew).

I ended up staying quite late at M's, deciding that it was high time I left after we both watched American Idol (audition episode for the new season). To add to the general excitement, a fire broke out at the condominium across from her house, which naturally prompted the arrival of three fire engines, assorted small civil defence vehicles and police cars and of course the obligatory swarm of curious by-standers. What was more worrying was seeing several fire fighters stand around a fire hydrant hitting it with a metal object (my presumption was that there was no pressure). There was a general sense that this wasn't a serious fire but it certainly doesn't bode well, as M mentioned, for a situation where there was a serious fire.

I then stopped by the Old Brown Shoe for a drink (in my defence I need it after the long walk out of Duchess Avenue) and found it relatively empty. Had a long chat with Lino and then ended up trying to frantically arrange a last minute mahjong game with Jen after we both decided that we had itchy fingers. That having proved impossible, I finally went home.

Friday was a quite day with no visiting. I caught Sweeney Todd with D. It was a movie made for the macabre mind of Tim Burton and I loved the visual feel and the way it was shot. Johnny Depp (despite fronting a rock band) is only passable as a vocalist and Helena Bonham-Carter slightly weaker at best. But it was still a highly enjoyable movie (if one can find throat cutting, murder, and horrible tasting meat pies enjoyable). Later on in the evening, it was over to Harry's@Novena for drinks.

Instead of taking the wise and sensible option (to go home), I called my sister who was in MOS and she urged me to join her. Suffice to say it turned into a rather disastrous evening (I arrived at MOS to find that one of her friends had gotten drunk). We did manage to get a drink at Harry's@Boat Quay and get a listen to their new singer (think Reuben Studdard with more of a jazz vibe). Thankfully, my sister decided to head home after that, after another member of her group went all queasy.

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