11 February 2008

Update On Things I Can Do To Improve My Life

At the beginning of my year I wrote a post on Things To Try And Make Happen in 2008. Given that Chinese New Year has just passed (thus a new year of sorts within the new year), I have decided to give an update on my progress and add new things to the list.

First of all, the areas where progress has been made:

Find a New Job: I'm now working at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) as a Research Assistant for a fixed one year term.

Pick Up Lindy Hop: I've started beginner's lessons in Lindy Hop at Jitterbugs Swingapore, though I must admit that my progress has been pretty mixed. Suffice to say I am not the most natural of dancers.

Blog More: As you can see I have been updating the blog pretty regularly. Now I have to work on doing more substantial posts on issues/thoughts and feelings instead of a what I did yesterday narrative types that have been predominating.

Get Movie Thing Off The Ground: We managed to have two successful screenings of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Double Indemnity respectively. This initiative looks like it will last. Now to work it such that there is more discussion of the films.

Buy Less Books: I have generally succeeded pretty well in buying far less books though I did make use of yet another massive Borders discount in January. I guess I have spent far less money on books. It has helped that I have been using the library a great deal more.

Figure Out The God Question: This has been an area I have been trying to think about and examine in detail. I finished reading the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, and Alistair McGrath's response to it: The Dawkins Delusion. I am currently reading Sam Harris' book The End of Faith. But the core thing now is to fully grapple intellectually with the various issues. Afterwards I would like to read one of the Christian apologists, maybe some more C.S Lewis and some Thomas Merton. I guess a discussion with a pastor, and attending a service would be a final step.

Save More Money: I've started recording all my expenses again from February onwards. I am aiming to limit my expenditure to around S$1200 a month which will mean saving around $500 a month. I guess I am more careful about spending money, particularly on books and CDs, but I am still prone to the occasional splurge (like spending $40 on an Akira Kurosawa china import DVD box set). To really save cash I have to spend less money on taxis (particularly since the taxi fare hike) which means planning my time more carefully. But most of all, I definitely also have to spend less money on alcohol (see below). Given that I will probably have to buy a laptop soon, saving is going to be even more essential.

Things that need a bit more work:

Learn How To Drive: Well haven't made any progress on this front at all. I must sign up with a driving centre soon. I've been saying the same thing for ages, so getting started on this is crucial.

Do More Physical Exercise: Another longstanding goal where no progress has been made. Given that my new job is again a sedentary desk bound one, I will definitely have to work on exercising more than my eyeballs. A good start would be walking to and from the MRT everyday (saving bus fare), and taking the stairs instead of the lift. I have to institutionalize a form of exercise into my weekly routine (preferably on the weekends) - preferably a form of sport given my dislike of running. Exactly how to do it remains open to question.

Rock Climbing: No progress here at all. I have to decide if I am really into this and if I want to pursue it further. Something that me and Justin can do together besides drinking.

Drink Less: Well, I should definitely save my liver by not consuming so much alcohol not to mention my wallet. So far this there have been far too many trips to the Old Brown Shoe, and a few too many nights out. I guess one of the problems is that a great deal of my socialising is done over drinks/dinners out. One of the keys is to limit the drinking to say two nights a week a most (quiz night Wednesday and either Friday/Saturday night).

Walk The Dog More: Haven't beeen doing this much. Walking the dog would also have the added bonus of my getting some exercise too. There is also some urgency in final getting Sadie some proper obedience training.

To Add To the List:

Spend More Time With Grandpa: My sister and I both agree we should try and get our grandfather to come over a couple times a month at the least. We could also try and visit once in awhile at his place. It would be great to pick up some cooking tips from him as well when he does come and visit. I should also try and arrange for us to play mahjong since we both enjoy it (though I'll have to find people to play).

Be More Productive/Set Goals: I have to work on being more productive, basically getting more done with the time I have. One way to help me do this is to set detailed goals. An important aspect of this is to spend less time randomly surfing the internet and watching random stuff on cable TV, especially sports.

Waste Less Time on the Internet: The internet can be a massive time waster. There is only so many times you can read the BBC, Sports Illustrated websites a day, or come to that, check your email and go on Facebook. MSN is also a massive time waster though I have been cutting back on that. More needs to be done. That is not to say I shouldn't utilise the net, just that I shouldn't surf 'blindly'.

Listen To More Music: I have loads of CDs at home. Listen to music can be relaxing. I should put some music on far more often instead of letting the TV drone on in the background.

Keep in Touch with People More: It is really easy to lose touch with friends, especially those from my University days. I should resolve to keep in touch with friends. I can start by emailing an old University/School/Random friend every weekend.

Be More Sensitive: As a friend told me recently: "it doesn't take that much to make a small effort". So: talk less, listen more; try to think for others; and make that small effort.

Things To Be Hopeful About:

Find True Love (Or The Closest Approximation): Well, the fact that this is listed under "hopeful" is indicative of the fact that I am not really that much closer to it. But I guess things are a little more settled on this front, mainly because I have become more settled in a sense. And there is hope (read what you may into this cryptic statement).

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